Edison is the image of the so-called American dream, in which everything is possible if talent and effort are combined. He started from the bottom and was not able to end school. He worked from a very young age to survive, learning from experience and thanks to self-taught ability and a love of scientific books. His great intelligence, intuition, spirit of enterprise, and work take him ahead. He inspired thousands of his contemporaries. Because of his personality and ability, the achievement is one of our cultural heroes. He was not attached to protocols or ceremonies but a merely simple man. He had a selfish character, often behaving like a tyrant with his subordinates. However, he had a virtue, appreciated the talent and work of others, and paid well. During his life, he patented around 1400 inventions and funded or co-funded several companies. Edison is indisputably associated with science, the industrial arts, technology, and the productive structure of his time. Their nearly four thousand notebooks and logs laboratory gave Edison notable mention in their contributions to the applied sciences. Today, our cell phones have developed some great inventions: the telephone, the reproduction of voice, music, and images through electricity and electronics. The contributions of men like Thomas Alva Edison exemplify what intelligence and effort can achieve. I invite you to meet him or remember him enjoying this short biography. José René Cruz Revueltas